I had mentioned that I would be getting a pouch made for my map case specifically.
I also had some improvements I wanted based on my needs.
First, I realized that the mag retention was not my favorite so I looked at options and settled on the
Esstac kydex inserts (5.56) (7.62).
I had KND make me new mag pouches that were open on the bottom, with Velcro inside to retain the inserts. The 5.56 ones were made in 2-mag pairs instead of 3, to allow me to adjust my setup more.

Finally I wanted to use the remaining space in the rig for some pull out pouches, so I had KND make some pouches with Velcro to fit a couple pouches I wanted to use.

And here is how things look all put together with 5.56 mags. I have it set up where 4 mags are on my
left side and 2 more right of center. For me this works best since I am right handed so grab mags with
my left hand to reload.
The new pull out pouches go on right side behind the mags.