We've finally gotten our stuff all lined up and have a training date. All day October 14 and the morning of October 15 we'll be doing a day/night land nav course.
This is what you might call tactically oriented. It is for teams, and aside from navigating involves communications and planning, and some degree of stealth like use of light discipline.
This is an open enrollment course. Spread the word far and wide. Anyone you work or play with who gets lost a lot or doesn't want to go into the woods should come so they learn new skills and are comfortable there.
If you haven't trained on these skills for a few years, you can probably use a refresher.
Near town so you can stay civilized, and KC area people can probably even sleep in their own beds.
And we're keeping it as cheap as we can, only $25, with a map and take-home course printouts.
Learn more, and sign up here:
Assuming this all goes well and you all come and bring some friends, we'll have more of these. We'll have training in other regions, we'll do more advanced courses, and more topics.